Well, another Father's day passed that I have to celebrate somebody else. Still in the negative, maybe next year will be father's day #1 for me or at least -1. But for now it seems like negative infinity. All my side of the family is in town because our oldest neice graduated from High School on the holiday. We started off by making breakfast at my dad's house for half the family. On the menu was homemade hashbrowns, thick butcher-cut bacon, scrambled eggs and french toast stuffed with cream cheese and marmalade (from famous Mimi's Pain Purdue). After breakfast there was another extreme low tide so Erin and I went trekking down the beach with our nephew William to share with him the excitement of the deep. But he must have some of the past Erin's timidity because he wasn't too sure about seeing all the creatures.
It's fun being able to see my family again. It was eight years ago when I moved away from this region, and mostly out of their lives. It is funny to run into all the old familiar faces so often now. My sister Mary, 13 years my senior, used to be always at my side as I was little. She has a son, Mavric, who is about 10, that exibits a lot of the same behaviors as myself. I jokingly said that it is because we were raised by the same woman. Mary's older daughter, Marisa, has spent some time lately with Erin and has discovered that she too exhibits behaviors of Mary. So all this time I thought I had made a mistake and not married my mom, I was just comparing to the wrong woman!
Did you stuff the french toast or by pre stuffed bread? It sounds really yummy!
Pre-stuffed? No, this breakfast was all pretty manual, except I didn't bake the bread, grow the potatoes, raise chickens for the eggs, etc. Actually, it's pretty simple, heat up some cream cheese (or Neuchâtel for 2/3'rds the fat) mix it with marmalade, and spread it between to slices of french toast. You can still use your favorite syrup.
hey great post uncle j. did you have a lot of fun at the walk with william.
you forgot chandler
i had my first fathers day (sort of... does 'in the womb' still count??)!
better get crackin, so our kids have cousins in the same age range ;)
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