Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jackie's Big Adventure

My little sister decided it was time for her to spread her wings and move to Washington. So she came to stay with us while she looked for work and an apartment in Seattle. Just a few weeks in, she called Joshua at work to ask for a ride to the hospital. Thankfully, my job share partner was able to come in early so I could take her. First we went to the Urgent Care where they thought it might be kidney stones. After a few tests they decided it was not, but they didn't know what it was, so they sent Jackie to the Emergency Room. The doctor there thought it was an appendicitis. After several tests (and a lot of morphine), they discovered an ovarian cyst. So off to the operating room she went. She cane through surgery like a champ and spent the weekend in the hospital recovering. The doctor gave us a picture of the offending object, but that would not be appropriate here ... it was 12x12x15 cm but benign and simple. Phew! Matty shared lots of smiles and even a few kisses with his aunt.
As a bonus, we got to see Grahama for a few days. Maybe one of these days she will come visit when she doesn't have a sick daughter to care for and she can stay for more than a weekend. Then maybe she will enjoy the fine sights of Washington so much she will want to move here too.
Like this! The gorgeous view from Jackie's hotel - I mean hospital stay.

Jackie's recovery is going fairly well. She still has a few weeks before feeling like her old self, but there were no major complications along the way. Except for the fact that she is uninsured ... Prayers are appreciated!
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