Wednesday, August 09, 2006

What's your super-power?

Rock Harbor (our church in Costa Mesa, CA) is having its annual "Volunteer Appreciation Night" which we are unable to attend because of a prior engagement. (Rock Harbor is always last minute planning things that we can't go to) However the theme is superheroes. And to help those attending choose a superhero to be, they have provided us with this website:

This is who I am, supposedly:

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Chimp Flame
Your Superpower is Complements
Your Weakness is Booty
Your Weapon is Your Rusty Blaster
Your Mode of Transportation is Pony
I think they mean Pirates Booty...


Jenna Hoskinson said...

"your weakness is booty"?! What does that mean? I'll have to do mine right away!!

Jenna Hoskinson said...

ok, that was weird, all it did was ask my name then gave me the results...i thought there would be some more input than that! Anyways, here is my info:

Your Superhero Name is The Living Specter
Your Superpower is Distant Attack
Your Weakness is Blood
Your Weapon is Your Dark Rifle
Your Mode of Transportation is Phone Booth

Erin said...

Your Superhero Name is The Sergeant Finger
Your Superpower is Psychic
Your Weakness is Quizzes
Your Weapon is Your Magnetic Club
Your Mode of Transportation is Bubble

That was weird.

Jay said...

My Superhero Name is The Golden Crusader

My Superpower is Cursing
My Weakness is Women
My Weapon is My Golden Shield
My Mode of Transportation is Water Skis

Rachel said...

Your Superhero Name is The Sergeant Dog
Your Superpower is Speaking to Animals
Your Weakness is Cold Weather
Your Weapon is Your Turbo Hammer
Your Mode of Transportation is Pogo Stick

Rachel said...

I think Rock Harbor is last minute because they foot the bill and there are so many volunteers to honor. It helps keep the numbers down.

Rachel said...

Jenna, "Booty" is treasure. Trader Joes sales Pirates Booty and the kids would always bring it to parties and then freak out when they read the bag. It was just popcorn!

Joshua said...

I think Jay made his up. That is too good.

Rachel said...

I thought Jay made his up too! Silly Jay...

Tara said...

Your Superhero Name is The Silent Spear
Your Superpower is Genetic engineering
Your Weakness is Rain
Your Weapon is Your Stellar Nunchucks
Your Mode of Transportation is Wings

Tara said...

My weakness totally is rain!

Tommy said...

Your Superhero Name is The Onyx Crusader
Your Superpower is Distant Attack
Your Weakness is Handshakes
Your Weapon is Your Slime Arrows
Your Mode of Transportation is Convertible

Jay said...

I didn't make mine up! Cursing is my secret weapon. Ever wonder why you've never heard me curse? 'Cause its so powerful... I only use it when duty calls.

And hopefully Jenna doesn't read about my weakness... There's no convenient secondary explanation like Joshua's...

Jenna Hoskinson said...

too late, Jay, I already read it way before you even tried to explain it...sure, whatever...

Jay said...

I think tommy wins the most disgusting weapon award with "Slime Arrows".