Friday, January 11, 2008

The Pregnancy Bump

As per the request of Michelle, here's the 16-week belly-shot showing my baby's baby. It's hard to tell with the outfit that she's wearing, but she has been seeing significant growth since Christmas.

At our last doctor's appointment we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. We're only able to make out one heartbeat. (it's probably not triplets) Our next sonogram will be at the end of the month, where we won't be finding the gender.

I still think it's funny that we have all these tools to find out about the baby before he/she is born. Height, weight, sex, development process. And we just choose to not know the sex. What does it even matter to us to know the other things? If there's a severe problem, does it mean we'll abort the baby? No. Why do we need to know so much beforehand? I doubt it helps us to calculate the day the baby will be born. I still haven't seen a doctor predict that.
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Erin said...

Awwww, Erin Graham, you're really preggers! :) You look so cute!

Anonymous said...

Erin, you look radiant!! And are carrying the baby like a ... um ... well ... that is a surprise. haha! - Nicole Jones

Erin said...

Uggh... I look as sick and tired as I feel.

Anonymous said...

You look adorable! Nothing is cuter than a pregnant women (even one who feels sick :))
You know, sometimes they don't hear multiple heartbeats. And you've been awfully sick...I'm still thinking triplets!! (It was in my dream, after all)

Rachel said...

All that measuring is good. There are a lot of treatable pregnancy complications pre-birth. We are so fortunate to live in a country with the technology to care for our young before we have ever met them. And, it puts your mind at rest when they tell you your baby has four chambers in their heart, no cleft pallate, and all the parts they are suppose to have. And Erin, you look adorable, but I better get to the post office sooner rather than later I think!!!

Jenna Hoskinson said...

I've been MIA around the blog world lately with all my accident stuff going on, but Erin, you look adorable!!! I'm so excited for you and to see the pic makes it all so much more real for us out here in blogger land.

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