This year Joshua began what I think will be a tradition for years to come: Wear your craziest holiday sweater to Thanksgiving dinner. Oh what fun to be silly together and thankful for family!

As we shared our most thankful lists before bed I couldn't help but break down in tears missing my family. Life is full of choices and we are forced to make decisions constantly. While I do not regret the decision to live here in WA, my heart longs to be in California with those that I love.

Here is my sweet (and not yet growing - sorry people!) family. I am so thankful for my two boys.

Aunt Jackie managed to escape the photo opportunities, but she did come down to spend the holiday with us. She brought Christmas a bit early with this awesome reusable cup and other fun Starbucks treats.
Today we are going to brave the crowds and see what this Black Friday is all about. Jackie talked a lot about the 4:00 opening times, but here it is 9:00 and she is still in dreamland. :) Do you think there will be anything left at 4:00PM?
I know exactly what you mean Erin. I never miss California (the place...except for the food), but the other day, I was feeling sick and wishing that I could just call my mommy to come over and entertain Claire so I could rest. The sacrifices we make...
I so enjoyed catching up on your family joy. Happy Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
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