In today's volitile society, you never know when World War III may strike; or, perhaps, the Y2K bug took an eight year detour and will finally come out to sting us. If that day ever happens, we'll be ready. Will we have ample supply of water, clothes, fuel, batteries, etc.? I don't know, but I do know that we will have enough Fluffernutters until the Lord returns. "What if Albertson's stops selling fluff? What would we do?" This is the beginning of a lifelong addiction. I'm not a drinker, smoker, or druggie; but fluff is the stuff of which I cannot get enough.
If you haven't yet had a Fluffernutter, don't start. Unless you want to turn into a white puff of sweetness, whipped to perfection. Erin and I have become followers of the creamy treat, and I can say for myself that I feel like I'm getting a fluffer-butt-er! Seriously, we are using the fluff for life group snacks and family gatherings, and Costco only sells Peanut Butter in two jar packs.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Stocking up
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You guys are hilarious with the Fluffernutters... I still haven't had one yet.
that fluff stuff is called something else here..I think just regular ol marshmellow hubby is in love with it!!! NO seriously...true love! On one of our very first grocery days together as a couple..he bought it..I said I'm not making any rice krispie treats..unless you want me too..he said noooo noooo honey...I eat this stuff straight outta the jar!!! :/ I had never knew anyone that did that..but he loves it and he craves's madness!! :D
For those of you who may not be aware this is the second post on our journey with Fluff. The first post is here.
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