Monday, July 03, 2006

Delicious new snack or meal

Erin and I were walking through the grocery store bakery isle for some items for our Independence Day celebration. I was hot and ready to go home when Erin said, "It's here!" with all the excitement of a nine year old who just received her gift package in the mail. "What's here?" I asked, thinking she's being a little obnoxious. "They have Fluff!" I feel clueless, I've never heard of the stuff. She proceded to explain to me that it's been in the news because some parent at some school decided to cause a stink about serving Peanut Butter and Fluff sandwiches at the school. The judge in the case liked the sandwiches and had the "Fluffernutter" named Massachussetts' State Sandwich. Intrigued, I grabbed a jar off the shelf and went home to try it out. Erin made the sandwiches, extra crunchy for me and creamy peanut butter for her. Yum, and it's great with popcorn too.

For further reading on the news story click on these links: - Fluff Official Website
ABC News
The Boston Globe


Erin said...

Mmmmmm ... Fluffernetter!

Erin said...

I mean Fluffernutter ...

Rachel said...

I've only had the Kraft brand myself, but I frequently snack on mini mashmallows, so I'm sure it's great. It is also a key ingredient in some fudge recipes. Schools are crazy if they think they can check 600 students lunches each day.

Erin said...

I think the issue was that the cafeteria was serving Fluffernutters. But if parents don't like it, they should send lunch with their kids that day!

Rachel said...

Finally a day when the kids don't dump their lunch in the trash before making it back to the benches. In my experience (in Tustin) the majority of kids eating school lunches weren't paying for them anyway. We were, or our tax dollars at least, so who is there to complain? Fluffernutter anyone?

Jenna Hoskinson said...

that is the greatest. too hilarious, and even better since you were there to sing the songs to us last night. priceless!

Jenna Hoskinson said...

oh, and i forgot i wanted to comment on Joshua's wonderful writing ability. And yes, i am actually being serious. he really had me pulled right down that supermarket isle with you!

Joshua said...

It's been under a week and the fluff is now all gone. Time to get some more.