Monday, July 31, 2006

Serve Day, School, and Sales

I don't really have anything interesting to say, but Joshua has been outblogging me like crazy, so here is some miscellaneous information from me. Saturday was Rock Harbor's Serve Day (a day to be the church instead of going to church). Joshua signed up to do computer networking while I chose labeling library books. We both worked at the Maple Learning Center in Costa Mesa. I's a very interesting set-up: a rented apartment with a tutoring room in the living room, office in the kitchen, and computer and art rooms in the bedrooms. The staff there works with elementary students in the community providing homework help as well as Bible stories and lessons. If we didn't need my income, I might enjoy working somewhere like that.
Speaking of working, I am off to school tomorrow to prepare for the new year. Tomorrow is cleaning day in my classroom, then Wednesday meetings and Thursday and Friday planning and prep. I get to meet my new students on Monday! How many days until the break in November??? I am really going to miss my mornings of sleep until 7:30 followed by coffee and crafts and lunch with my sweet husband. It had to end sometime I guess.
To celebrate the new school year I decided to do a little wardrobe update. Macy's had a 50% off of their 50% off sales racks, so I took my time sorting through every one! Joshua enjoyed the fashion show when he came home and he also enjoyed hearing that I saved $145.00! That sure makes spending $60 seem like nothing.
So there you have it: Serve Day, School, and Shopping. And you thought you were not very interesting people ...


Tara said...

Where did the summer go? I am not technically supposed to start work until August 16th, but I have an entire week of trainings and meetings starting Monday! I will start praying now that you get a wonderful class of bright, cooperative students with caring, helpful parents. Also, I've been sleeping until 9:00 almost every day! Getting up early is going to be a killer.

Jenna Hoskinson said...

wow, that's impressive, Erin - $200 worth of clothes for $60?!

Rachel said...

I treated myself to some new clothes with my bday money. I always think how nice it must be to go in a store and buy what you like instead of what's on sale. That's what is so crazy about What Not To Wear. It would be so hard to spend $200 on a pair of jeans when I know I can get them for $40 at Khol's.